Category: UNFCCC Process

  • COP28 calls for transition away from fossil fuels, toward integrated climate value economy

    COP28 calls for transition away from fossil fuels, toward integrated climate value economy

    The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) delivered some of the vital ingredients of the needed global breakthrough on climate:  In all three of these areas, what will count is real-world implementation. The GGA Framework is not itself sufficient to achieve the comprehensive vulnerability reduction and…

  • Week 2 of COP28: Acting on the knowledge that acceleration is imperative

    Week 2 of COP28: Acting on the knowledge that acceleration is imperative

    Today is Saturday, but it is also Day 2 of Week 2 of the COP28. To get a sense of where things ended up after Week 1, it is sometimes helpful to go through the opening day of Week 2, because negotiators are now beginning to respond to where they believe things stand. “Believe”, because…

  • Shifting incentives, making risk and value visible

    Shifting incentives, making risk and value visible

    As we near the end of Week 1 of the COP28, there is consensus that ambition needs to rise quickly. Accelerated timelines & mobilization of expanded funds for transformational climate action are key. Our first COP28 dispatch focused on what is happening and why it makes sense to look ahead to real-world climate transformation. There is…

  • Getting started at COP28

    Getting started at COP28

    The COP is, as we all know, a vast and complex landscape of actors, alliances, and initiatives, all of which have contact with the negotiation process. We are seeing that wider landscape push the process toward higher ambition. The question after Day 3 is whether this can hold, and whether legal decisions will be actionable…

  • COP28 Focus Areas for Enhancing Climate Governance

    COP28 Focus Areas for Enhancing Climate Governance

    An overview of Citizens’ Climate International areas of focus for the COP28 round of United Nations Climate Change negotiations National climate plans must be upgraded to be economy-wide, include all global heating pollution, and accelerate timelines to zero emissions, to align with the Right to a Livable Future. To support this, we are focusing on Action for…

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